Terms and Regulations

   Research Support Center Internal Regulations
   Terms of Use for Research Support Center
   Terms of "After-hours" Use for Research Support Center

   Research Support Center Internal Regulations

  1. The purpose of the Research Support Center, Research Center for Human Disease Modeling in Kyushu University Graduate School of Medical Sciences (hereinafter "Research Support Center") is to support and vitalize research activities,efficiently utilize costs and spaces,save manpower, and contribute to education of faculty, staffs and students, etc.
    The following regulations apply to the use of the lab facilities and equipment.

  2. A steering committee is established and serves in the management and administration of facilities, equipment, and supplies. The regulations of the steering committee are stipulated separately.

  3. The Research Support Center staffs, including the person in charge, will perform practical business under the guidance of the director of the center.

  4. As a general rule, users of the Research Support Center must be faculty, staffs or students (including joint researchers from outside the university) who are enrolled at Kyushu University and members of the fields written on the use registration application form. However, in cases where persons from outside the university apply for temporary use, permission shall be granted only if the director and the staff in charge approve the application.

  5. All the equipment and the supplies installed at the Research Support Center shall be shared by all researchers and users regardless of whether they are purchased and provided by a specific field. As a general rule, bringing equipment into the Research Support Center is not allowed. In cases where users wish to bring in equipment temporary, the staffs in charge will decide whether to allow it or not.

  6. As a general rule, the steering committee decides the selection and purchase of required equipment through discussions. However, in the case of purchasing equipment that costs less than 1 million yen, the director and the staff in charge decide through discussions and report it at a subsequent steering committee meeting.

  7. The regulations of using the lab facilities and research equipment are separately stipulated.

  8. The administrative costs of the Research Support Center is funded by the central expenses, service fees, and equipment usage fees charged on certain equipment.

  9. Users shall bring their own reagents and consumables to use. However, certain equipment must only be used with the reagents and consumables provided by the Research Support Center and fees apply.

  10. In cases where equipment or supplies for which repair charges are not covered are damaged or broken due to the misuse of the user the field representative written on the usage registration application form shall pay the repair fees without delay.

Supplementary regulations
Established on August 11th, 2006
Amended on June 16th, 2010
Amended on April 1st, 2015

   Terms of Use for Research Support Center

  1. As a general rule, to use the Research Support Center, a use registration application must be submitted to the director and the person in charge at least one day prior to the day of use and must be subject to their approval. The use registration application form and the after-hours use registration application form must be submitted every academic year. Additional registrations may be made during the year.

  2. The reservation must be made via “equipment reservation” on the Research Support Center website. Each lab facility is available from 9:00AM to 5:00PM on weekdays. However, after-hours use shall be only allowed by submitting an after-hours use registration application form to the director and the person in charge in advance, receiving their approval, and acquiring an after-hours use card key. Matters regarding after-hours use shall be separately stipulated.

  3. Users are expected to write their name, purpose of use, and entry/exit times on the entry register (this also applies to observers) when using the Research Support Center.

  4. Users must strictly adhere to their reservation times. Users are expected to contact the staff in charge if they will miss their reservation times. If a user does not make contact within 20 minutes after the reservation time, the reservation will be considered cancelled.

  5. Users must adhere to the followings when using the lab facilities and equipment.

    (1) First, receive cautions from the staff in charge and receive his/her approval when using the lab facilities. Avoid causing inconvenience to other researchers and users.

    (2) Receive an explanation on how to use equipment before use (certain equipment requires training sessions and takes time to acquire). Even if you are familiar with the equipment, do not use it without permission. Furthermore, do not move equipment from its installed location.

    (3) Responsible for maintaining and conserving the lab facilities and equipment as the Research Support Center is a shared-use facility.

  6. Each piece of equipment at the lab facilities has an equipment usage logbook. Users must write their affiliated field, name, use time, and remarks on the equipment usage logbook each time they use it (this also applies to observers).

  7. When users publish their research that makes use of the lab facilities, equipment and, the like (including for technical guidance and services) of the Research Support Center with acknowledgement, they are expected to provide a copy of the published paper or printed matter (excerpt and the like) to the center.

Supplementary regulations
Established on August 11th, 2006
Amended on June 16th, 2010
Amended on April 1st, 2015

   Terms of "After-hours" Use for Research Support Center

  1. To use biological kinetic analysis rooms after hours, both use registration application form and after-hours use registration application form must be submitted and subject to approval (Afterhours are weekdays after 5:00PM as well as weekends and holidays).

  2. To enter the biological kinetic analysis rooms, a card key is necessary. An after-hours use application form must be submitted to the Research Support Center to have a card key issued. As a general rule, each field is issued one card key (individuals cannot be issued card keys) (costs related to issuing new card keys is to be covered by the field’s management subsidies or donations).

    (1) A card key that can unlock the Faculty of Medical Sciences Building A of Basic Sciences entrances and the biological kinetic analysis rooms (1-4) will be newly issued.

    (2) The fields that have ceased user registrations must return the card key. The card key will be usable again after re-registering.

  3. Reservations must be made to the use of the equipment in the biological kinetic analysis rooms in advance via “equipment reservation” on the Research Support Center website (equipment other than that is reserved cannot be used).

  4. Users must write their name and entry/exit times on the entry register and must write their affiliated field, name, use time, and remarks on the equipment usage logbook (this also applies to observers).

  5. Users must strictly adhere to their reservation times.

  6. Users must adhere to the followings when using the lab facilities and equipment.

    (1) First, receive cautions from the staff in charge and receive his/her approval. Avoid causing inconvenience to other researchers and users.

    (2) Receive an explanation on how to use equipment before use (some equipment requires training sessions and takes time to acquire). Even if you are familiar with the equipment, do not use it without permission. Furthermore, do not move equipment from its installed location.

    (3) Responsible for maintaining and conserving the lab facilities and equipment as the Research Support Center is a shared-use facility.

  7. In case of accident or theft, the unlocking history of card keys will be used to investigate and report the incident.

  8. If any of the above are violated, the card key will be suspended under the authority of the staff in charge.

Supplementary regulations
Established on August 11th, 2006
Amended on June 16th, 2010
Amended on April 1st, 2015

Copyright(C)The Research Support Center, Research Center for Human Disease Modeling,
Kyushu University Graduate School of Medical Sciences. All Rights Reserved.