Luminescence Image Analyzer Cytiva A :ImageQuant 800 B :ImageQuant 800 Fluor Installation date: March, 2022 A :Restricted to “chemiluminescence” B : For “chemiluminescence”, “fluorescence”, “gel analysis”, and “OD (Optical Density Measurements)”
Common to “A” and “B”
It is a CCD-based imager detecting both chemiluminescence and visible spectrum.
Enables easy to perform high sensitivity detection of western blotting without the need of a darkroom.
Pre-Capture :
automatically calculates the exposure time of the region of interest in the pre-captured image.
SNOW(Signal Noise Optimization Watch :
reduces noise and avoids saturation of the image by multiple exposures and merging them into a single signal. Both weak and strong bands can be captured without saturation. (e.g. phosphorylation bands, close bands)
Both chemiluminescence sample image and colorimetric marker image can be captured and automatically overlaid.
Image formats: 16bit gray scale TIF (Raw data) and JPEG (finalized image if edited)
ImageQuant TL (analysis software) is available.
Restricted to “B”
Fluorescent imaging (A maximum of three dyes can be analyzed at one time by “Auto” mode and “manual” mode.)
Chemiluminescence imaging and fluorescence imaging can be combined. (e.g. First, capture the target protein band with chemiluminescence and then, capture the house keeping band with fluorescence, and merge them automatically.)
Gel documentation such as capturing images of CBB stained gels (White Epi light source)
OD (Optical Density) measurements (White Trans light source)
Non-Parallax(NP)lens is available. NP lens eliminates penpheral shadows of well plates in chemiluminescence.
You must receive a training session.
“A” should be used for chemiluminescense image capture.
Neither “A” nor “B” can be used for EtBr detection.
There are restrictions on time of use: 1 hour
When using SNOW, which takes longer, use “B” preferentially. (Please consult us when you make a reservation.)
About training session
We conduct training sessions as needed. Please contact us in advance to adjust the schedule.
The training session takes approximately 1 hour.
Please contact us after you have decided when you will start using the equipment.
There is no need to bring a sample, but if you wish to bring one please let us know.
Specifications (Restricted to “B”) Filter and LED Band-pass filter allows light with particular wavelength to pass through.
Copyright(C)The Research Support Center, Research Center for Human Disease Modeling, Kyushu University Graduate School of Medical Sciences. All Rights Reserved.